Telehealth Platform
Experience Design Studio 1
Redesigning the medicine cabinet for a connected world.
The theme for my Experience Design Studio 1 course was “Getting Stuff: Design for the Home Delivery Experience”. My group chose to redesign the telehealth delivery experience, which was especially fitting considering the global pandemic we found ourselves in. Early brainstorming sessions yielded the connected medicine cabinet concept.
10 Design Criteria
We selected 10 scholarly articles with topics ranging from smart devices to patient privacy and HIPAA. We used the information from this literature as well as conversations with medical professionals to create a list of 10 Design Criteria our concepts must adhere to.
1. Do no harm.
2. Value the experience.
3. Give the patient control.
4. Be accessible.
5. Be connected.
6. Be trustworthy.
7. Be reliable.
8. Be adaptive.
9. Be effective.
10. Be disruptive.
Defining the experience and how to fix it
Using interviews about fellow students’ actual experiences using telehealth, we created an experience map outlining the current telehealth experience against our proposed intervention.
During a virtual studio session, we sketched out potential UI screens and got feedback from classmates. We also showed off some early sketches of the physical product and the removable diagnostic tools. We used the feedback from the group session to guide our next prototyping steps.